Timeline - refer to Academic Calendar
Blackboard: blackboard.cua.edu/
Your Blackboard site for your class will be set up by Technology Services. You will be responsible for any customization of your site. Log on with your CUA network name (the login you use for your e-mail and to access computers on campus).
Be aware that Blackboard maintenance is routinely conducted every Thursday from 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM and the third Sunday of every month from 7:00 AM - 2:00 PM. During these times, Blackboard might be unavailable. Keep your students informed about these interruptions and keep them in mind when scheduling assignments.
If you have any questions about Blackboard you may contact us. If Blackboard is down, contact Technology Services (202-319-5373), or Public Safety (202-319-5111) if after hours.
Blackboard resource: Faculty guides for Blackboard
Book Orders
A Federal mandate requires universities to publish textbook information along with course schedules before registration opens. So, faculty are advised to order textbooks as early as possible. To comply with this mandate, please submit your textbook information (title, author, and ISBN number) via the textbook adopt form.
Class roster
It is your responsibility to check your class list in Cardinal Station after the add/drop deadline and the mid-term dates that are indicated in the Academic Calendar. If anyone is on the roster that has not attended the class by midterm, please notify the Administrative Assistant for Registrar Functions (202-319-5300). If anyone is attending the class and is not on the roster, please notify the student that they have not registered and ask them to contact the Administrative Assistant for Registrar Functions. The exceptions to this rule are students from other universities taking courses through the Consortium agreement, and alumni who are auditing the class under the Alumni Audit program.
Instructions on how to access your class roster are available in PDF here.
The University has guidelines for syllabi contents and structure. Please follow the template when developing your own syllabus.
Please upload your course syllabus to the syllabus repository, using your CUA login and password. Plan on providing timely appropriate feedback to your students on each assignment, as that's an essential part of students' learning.